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Table 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of the patients

From: Virtual reality for the rehabilitation of the upper limb motor function after stroke: a prospective controlled trial



ULC therapy (n=113)

RFVE therapy (n=263)


Sex (M/F)


72/41 (64%/36%)

157/106 (60%/40%)

0.5 a

Age (years ± SD)


65.4 ± 12.5

60.2 ± 14.3

<0.001 b

Ischemic/hemorrhagic stroke


82/31 (73%/27%)

188/75 (71%/29%)

0.6 a

Affected hemisphere (R/L)


58/55 (51%/49%)

126/137 (48%/51%)

0.7 a

Upper limb motor impairment

Severe (F-M UE≤20)

19 (17%)

35 (13%)

0.6 a


Moderate (21≤F-M UE≤40)

29 (26%)

72 (27%)

0.9 a


Mild (F-M UE>40)

65 (57%)

156 (59%)

0.8 a

Stroke to Rehabilitation Interval

≤ 3 months

32 (28%)

68 (26%)

0.7 a


3 < months < 12

57 (50%)

113 (43%)

0.2 a


≥ 12 months

24 (21%)

82 (31%)

0.1 a

  1. Values are expressed as numbers and percentages. ULC Upper Limb Conventional, RFVE Reinforced Feedback in Virtual Environment, F-M UE Fugl-Meyer Upper Extremity.
  2. a χ2 test.
  3. b t-test.