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Table 2 Standardizations of timed clinical performance tests

From: The effects of high frequency subthalamic stimulation on balance performance and fear of falling in patients with Parkinson's disease



10 m walk test[36]

The subject is standing still and then walks at a comfortable (preferred) speed straight forward. The subject's regular footwear is used. Timing commence after the commando "Go'', and stops when the subjects passes the mark for ten meters. One trial is performed.

Chair-stand test [33]

The time required to stand up (erect) from a chair and to sit down five times consecutively as fast as possible is registered. The subject is sitting in an armchair (seat height of 46 cm) with the back against the chair, and with arms folded across the chest. The subject's regular footwear is worn. The test begins with the commando "Start now''. Timing commence when the subject's back is leaving the back of the chair, and stops when the subject's buttock reaches the seat for the fifth time. One trial is performed.

Timed Up & Go [34, 36]

The subject is sitting in an armchair (seat height of 46 cm) with the back against the chair and arms resting on the chair's arms. The instruction "Go'' initiates the subject to stand up and walk at a comfortable (preferred) pace to a line 3 meters away, where both feet should pass the line before the subject turns around and walks back to sit down again. Timing commence when the subject's back is leaving the back of the chair, and stops when the buttock reaches the seat of the chair. The subject's regular footwear is used and customary walking aid, but no physical assistance is given. Two trials are performed. Best value is registered.

One leg stance [35]

The subject is standing barefoot on preferred foot, and freely in the room (at least 2 meters from any wall) with arms hanging. The instruction is to flex the hip and knee just enough so that the foot leaves the floor, without touching the other leg. The commando "Start'' is given, and timing commence when the foot clears the ground. Timing stops when the supportive foot moves, the lifted leg/foot touches the other leg or the ground, or the upper time limit of 60 seconds is achieved. Two trials are performed. Best value is registered.

Sharpened Romberg [35]

The subject is standing barefoot with the feet placed on a line in front of each other, toes touching the heel of the other foot. The test is performed on preferred foot (placed as the rearmost) with straight knees and arms hanging. Timing commence after achieving the position, with or without outside assistance. After conducting two trials, another two trials are conducted with eyes closed. Timing is interrupted when the subject moves either foot, opens their eyes or if the upper time limit (60 seconds) is accomplished. Best value is registered.

  1. Time is registered in seconds, and gaitspeed is calculated as meters per second (m/s). A digital stopwatch is used. In the study by Smithson et al. One leg stance (OLS) was performed with the opposite knee flexed at 45 degrees, and the upper time limit was 30 seconds for OLS and Sharpened Romberg [35]. The standardizations for timing of the 10 m walktest, the Chair-stand test and Timed Up & Go, are in the present study described in more detail [33, 34, 36].