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Table 1 Search criteria and databases

From: Adjustable prosthetic sockets: a systematic review of industrial and research design characteristics and their justifications


Search criteria



(Prosthetic OR Prosthesis OR Prostheses OR Prosthetics OR “Prosthesis Design” OR “Artificial Limb”) AND (Socket) AND (Adjustable OR Adaptable OR Adaptive OR Variable OR Active OR Adjustments OR”Adjustable-Volume”) NOT (Dental OR tooth OR teeth OR orbital OR oral OR Arthroplasty OR Hip OR Implant OR Wear OR Acetabular) + Filter for EN or FR Language

Web of Science—Topic

Google Scholar—Titles

IEEE—All Metadata

PubMed—Title and Abstract

ProQuest Central—NOFT (Everywhere except full text)

EBSCOhost—Title and Abstract


((ta = "Prosthetic" OR ta = "Prosthesis" OR ta = "Prostheses" OR ta = "Prosthetics" OR ta = "Prosthesis Design" OR ta = "Artificial Limb") AND (ta = "Socket" OR ta = "System") AND (ta = "Adjustable" OR ta = "Adaptable" OR ta = "Adaptive" OR ta = "Variable" OR ta = "Active" OR ta = "Adjustments" OR ta = "Adjustable-Volume")) NOT (ta = "Dental" OR ta = "tooth" OR ta = "teeth" OR ta = "orbital" OR ta = "oral" OR ta = "Arthroplasty" OR ta = "Hip" OR ta = "Implant" OR ta = "Wear" OR ta = "Acetabular") + Filter for EN Language & A61F2 IPC Main group

Google Patents—Title

Google Scholar Patents

Espacenet—Title and Abstract

ProQuest Central (News)—NOFT