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Table 2 Bilateral group

From: Erratum to: Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)

Bilateral group [N = 8]

Observation right

Observation left

Imitation right

Imitation left

Left hemisphere (contralateral) (μmol/ l ± SD)

Mean ∆ [O2Hb]

0.1231 ± 0.1506

0.1231 ± 0.1507

0.3941 ± 0.4598

0.3715 ± 0.4289

Mean ∆ [HHb]

−0.0056 ± 0.0676

−0.0408 ± 0.0915

0.0371 ± 0.1131

0.0474 ± 0.0665

Intra-condition, ANOVA, repeated measures

[O2Hb] rest-stim

p = 0.044*

p = 0.047*

p = 0.025*

p = 0.038*

[HHb] rest-stim

p = 0.821

p = 0.247

p = 0.384

p = 0.084

Inter-condition, ANOVA, repeated measures, post-hoc-tests, Bonferroni 0.05

∆ [HHb]

∆ [O 2 Hb]


O_R – O_L

p = 1.000

p = 1.000


O_R – IM_R

p = 1.000

p = 0.519


O_R – IM_L

p = 1.000

p = 0.862


OL_ – IM_R

p = 0.227

p = 0.486


O_L – IM_L

p = 0.223

p = 0.777



p = 1.000

p = 1.000


Main effect on condition

p = 0.072

p = 0.119


Right hemisphere (ipsilateral) (μmol/ l ± SD)

Mean ∆ [O2Hb]

0.1541 ± 0.0735

0.1957 ± 0.1957

0.4036 ± 0.2097

1.3728 ± 1.6143

Mean ∆ [HHb]

−0.0113 ± 0.0334

0.0068 ± 0.0274

0.0235 ± 0.0402

0.7016 ± 1.9167

Intra-condition, ANOVA, repeated measures


[O2Hb] rest-stim

p = 0.077

p = 0.080

p = 0.002*

p = 0.032*

[HHb] rest-stim

p = 0.367

p = 0.502

p = 0.142

p = 0.335

Inter-condition, ANOVA, repeated measures, post-hoc-tests, Bonferroni 0.05

∆ [HHb]

∆ [O 2 Hb]


O_R – O_L

p = 1.000

p = 1.000


O_R – IM_R

p = 0.445

p = 0.014*


O_R – IM_L

p = 1.000

p = 0.324


OL_ – IM_R

p = 1.000

p = 0.015*


O_L – IM_L

p = 1.000

p = 0.231



p = 1.000

p = 0.710


Main effect on condition

p = 0.384

p = 0.008*

  1. (Top) Mean signal amplitudes (μmol/l ± SD) of channels with significant concentration changes. Separate calculations for increases in [O2Hb], decreases in [HHb] in response to the four conditions for each group. Numbers were rounded to four decimal places. (Middle) Intra-condition statistical significance of the mean change between [O2Hb]rest and [O2Hb]stim and [HHb]rest and [HHb]stim using repeated measures ANOVA. (Bottom) Inter-condition statistical significance of mean changes of ∆ [O2Hb] and ∆ [HHb] between the four conditions using repeated measures ANOVA. Shown are post-hoc tests (with Bonferroni correction); significant values (p ≤ 0.05) are highlighted by * (observation left = O_L, observation right = O_R, imitation left = IM_L, imitation right = IM_R).