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Table 1 Participant comments during the design workshop that

From: Retraining function in people with Parkinson’s disease using the Microsoft kinect: game design and pilot testing


Did not like the idea of an adventure or complex narrative based game, especially science fiction


Were concerned that the pace of the game should not be too fast


Preferred the idea of solo play over play with others (self-conscious over performance)


Seemed more attracted to ‘real life’ events than complex characterisation or fantasy elements


Expressed a preference for cartoon style graphics over more realistic renderings


Liked puzzles, although one participant expressed concern that combining puzzles with physical tasks might be overly complicated


Expressed a preference for outdoor scenarios;


Were able to identify with a cartoon avatar which mirrored their actions


Enjoyed satisfying sound effects associated with actions (for example, the thwack of hitting a ball when playing a golfing game)