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Table 1 Guidelines for accessibility and usability solutions for applications used by the elderly

From: Challenges in software applications for the cognitive evaluation and stimulation of the elderly


High text-background contrast


Large screens


No flashing images or text


High screen resolution


Avoid the use of quick screens


Clear, simple screens


Minimum font size of 10-12pt


Audio instructions rather than visual instructions


Easy-to-read font


Written content as an alternative to audio content


Possibility of changing frequency and tone


Possibility of changing the volume


Separation between selectable objects


Possibility of using different I/O peripherals


Use of touch screen


Moving objects should not be used as cascading drop-down menus


Show context information for guidance


Limit functionality


Facilitate the use of forms


Design should be error-free


Use short texts and images


Tactile interface


Assistant to provide guidance


Use of demos and trial runs


Use only one font face on the screen


Limit the amount of information displayed


Use clear, imperative instructions


Show short, clear error message


Encourage work and achievements


Use of audio encouragement


Clear, imperative instructions


Highlight selections