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Figure 2 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Figure 2

From: Control of interjoint coordination during the swing phase of normal gait at different speeds

Figure 2

Dynamic joint torque at each joint. A) Average sagittal plane dynamic joint torque time series for the hip (solid), knee (dashed), and ankle (dotted) for the same participant walking at a comfortable speed. Time series in these plots are shown in degrees from 0–100% of the swing phase. Positive values signify flexion or dorsiflexion while negative values signify extension or plantarflexion. B) Swing phase joint torques are presented, having been normalized such that the variance across each time series is equal to one. The knee torque data was also inverted by multiplying raw data by -1. C) The percentage of total variance accounted for (VAF) in dynamic joint torque by each of the first five PCs. Results are shown for comfortable (square symbols), fast (diamond symbols), and slow (triangular symbols) walking speeds during the swing phase.

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