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Table 1 Mathematical definitions of the features used in this study

From: On the identification of sensory information from mixed nerves by using single-channel cuff electrodes

Feature Name


Description and references

Mean absolute value (MAV)


Variance (VAR)


Wave length (WL)


Wavelet denoise (WDEN)

θ = σ (0.3936 + 0.1829log2(N)), σ-standard deviation of noise

Symmlet 7 mother wavelet, and hard threshold (θ).

[28, 29]. Finally the feature is MAV of denoised signal.

Energy based on discrete Fourier transformation (DFT)


where X [k] is DFT of x [n]


Autoregressive coefficients (AR)

The forward-backward approach. The sum of a least squares criterion for a forward model and the analogous criterion for a time-reversed model is minimized [27].

Cepstral coefficients (CEPS)

c1 = -a1

The cepstrum coefficients (ci), are calculated from AR coefficients (AR model with order P), as proposed in Kang's work [26].

Autocorrelation-based, second order processing (HOS2)


H0-noise only (null hypotesis), H1-presence of signal

Toepliz matrix creation, based on estimate of autocorrelation; singular value decomposition; difference among maximum and minimum eigenvalue (σ) [21].

Cumulant-based third order processing (HOS3)


H0-noise only, H1-presence of signal

Toepliz matrix creation, based on estimate of third order cumulant of a data frame; singular value decomposition; the largest eigenvalue (λ) [21].

Autocorrelation minimum value (ACORR)


L-length of ROW

First negative peak value of r(Ï„) [23, 24].

  1. References are also provided for further explanation. N is the number of samples in ROW and xi is the single sample.