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Table 2 Bilateral group.

From: Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)

Bilateral group [N = 8]

Observation right

Observation left

Imitation right

Imitation left

Left hemisphere (μmol/l ± SD)

Mean Δ[O2Hb]

0.0924 ± 0.3369

0.0835 ± 0.4589

0.1905 ± 0.5515

0.2712 ± 0.4424

Mean Δ[HHb]

-0.0028 ± 0.1039

-0.0138 ± 0.1923

0.0206 ± 0.1569

0.0297 ± 0.1273

T-test, CI 95%


[O2Hb] p = value

p = 0.016*

p = 0.046*

p = 0.003*

p < 0.001*

[HHb] p-value

p = 0.807

p = 0.523

p = 0.244

p = 0.040*

ANOVA, post-hoc-tests, Bonferroni 0.05

[HHb] p-value

[O2Hb] p = value


O - MI

p = 1.000

p = 1.000


O - O&MI

p = 1.000

p = 1.000


O - IM

p = 1.000

p = 0.080



p = 0.868

p = 0.822



p = 0.393

p = 0.056



p = 1.000

p = 1.000


main effect on condition

p = 0.222

p = 0.028*


Right hemisphere (μmol/l ± SD)

Mean Δ[O2Hb]

0.1135 ± 0.3607

0.1091 ± 0.4261

0.2004 ± 0.4740

1.1475 ± 2.5449

Mean Δ[HHb]

0.0018 ± 0.1388

0.0037 ± 0.1441

0.0163 ± 0.1325

0.068 ± 0.1773

T-test, CI 95%


[O2Hb] p = value

p = 0.006*

p = 0.025*

p < 0.001*

p = 0.001*

[HHb] p-value

p = 0.906

p = 0.817

p = 0.275

p = 0.001*

ANOVA, post-hoc-tests, Bonferroni 0.05

[HHb] p-value

[O2Hb] p = value


O - MI

p = 1.000

p = 1.000


O - O&MI

p = 1.000

p = 1.000


O - IM

p < 0.001*

p < 0.001*



p = 1.000

p = 1.000



p < 0.001*

p < 0.001*



p < 0.001*

p < 0.001*


main effect on condition

p < 0.001*

p < 0.001*

  1. (Top) Mean signal amplitudes (μmol/l ± SD) of channels with significant concentration changes. Separate calculations for increases in [O2Hb], decreases in [HHb] in response to the four conditions for each group. Numbers were rounded to four decimal places. (Middle) Intra-condition statistical significance of the mean change between [O2Hb]rest and [O2Hb]stim and [HHb]rest and [HHb]stim using the paired t-test; confidence interval (CI) = 95%. (Bottom) Inter-condition statistical significance of mean changes of Δ[O2Hb] and Δ[HHb] between the four conditions using ANOVA. Shown are post-hoc tests (with Bonferroni correction); significant values (p ≤ 0.05) are highlighted by * (observation left = O_L, observation right = O_R, imitation left = IM_L, imitation right = IM_R)