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Table 2 Description of tasks performed by subjects and the muscles targeted

From: A novel approach to surface electromyography: an exploratory study of electrode-pair selection based on signal characteristics




Resisted Plantarflexion

Subjects gripped the edge of a heavily weighted table (approximately 200 Kg). Subjects were asked to generate a maximal contraction by plantarflexing against the weight of the table (i.e., attempting to lift the table using only plantarflexion).




Resisted Dorsiflexion

Subjects stood with both feet on the ground. A research assistant used both hands to push downward against the dorsal surface of the foot. Subjects were asked to generate a maximal contraction by dorsiflexing against the resistance provided by the research assistant.


Resisted Knee Extension

Subjects stood on one leg with the contralateral knee flexed to 90 °. A research assistant sat behind the subject and held the foot to maintain knee flexion. The subject was then asked to generate a maximal contraction by attempting to extend the knee against the resistance provided by the research assistant.




Resisted Knee Flexion

Subjects stood on one leg with the contralateral knee flexed to 90 °. A research assistant sat behind the subject and placed both hands over the heel of the flexed limb. The subject was asked to generate a maximal contraction by attempting to flex the knee against the resistance provided by the research assistant.