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Table 2 Spatio-temporal gait parameters of study participants

From: Association between perceived fatigue and gait parameters measured by an instrumented treadmill in people with multiple sclerosis: a cross-sectional study

Gait variable

Mean (S.D.)

F, P -Value

Mean difference (95% CI) P- Value

Non-fatigued (n = 80)

Fatigue (n = 44)

Healthy subjects (n = 25)

Non fatigue - fatigue

Fatigue - Healthy

Non fatigue - Healthy

Velocity (km/h)

2.4 (1.0)

1.7 (1.0)

3.5 (0.7)

25.4 (<0.001)

0.7 (0.2, 1.1) P = 0.001*

−1.8 (-2.4, -1.2) P < 0.001*

−1.1 (-1.7, -0.6) P < 0.001*

Cadence (steps/min)

96.1 (17.2)

86.2 (21.4)

100.6 (11.7)

6.3 (0.002)

9.9 (1.7, 18.0) P = 0.012*

−14.4 (-25.5, -3.3) P = 0.006*

−4.5 (-14.8, 5.7) P = 0.855

Mean Step time (sec)

0.65 (0.14)

0.78 (0.40)

0.60 (0.07)

5.4 (0.005)

−0.13 (-0.24, -0.02) P = 0.015*

0.18 (0.02, 0.33) P = 0.018*

0.05 (-0.10, 0.18) P = 1.00

Mean Step length (sec)

40.2 (14.5)

32.0 (14.9)

58.1 (8.5)

26.7 (<0.001)

8.1 (1.8, 14.4) P = 0.07*

−26.1 (-34.7, -17.4) P < 0.001*

−17.9 (-25.9, -1.0) P < 0.001*

Mean Stance (%GC)

68.0 (5.2)

71.9 (6.5)

64.3 (2.1)

16.5 (<0.001)

−3.9 (-6.3, -1.5) P < 0.001*

7.6 (4.3, 10.9) P < 0.001*

3.7 (0.6, 6.7) P = 0.012*

Mean Single support (% GC)

32.0 (5.2)

28.1 (6.5)

35.7 (2.1)

16.4 (<0.001)

3.9 (1.5, 6.3) P < 0.001*

−7.6 (-10.9, -4.3) P < 0.001*

−3.7 (-6.7, -0.7) P = 0.011*

Total Double support (% GC)

36.1 (10.5)

43.9 (13.1)

28.6 (4.1)

16.5 (<0.001)

−7.8 (-12.7, -3.0) P < 0.001*

15.2 (8.6, 21.9) P < 0.001*

7.4 (1.3, 13.5) P = 0.012*

Mean Step width (cm)

13.6 (4.5)

14.7 (3.7)

11.1 (3.1)

5.8 (0.004)

−1.1 (-3.0, 0.7) P = 0.430

3.6 (1.0, 6.1) P = 0.002*

2.4 (0.1,4.8) P = 0.036*

Mean Stride time (sec)

1.30 (0.28)

1.56 (0.80)

1.21 (0.15)

5.4 (0.005)

−0.26 (-0.48, -0.04) P = 0.015*

0.35 (0.05, 0.65) P = 0.018*

0.09 (-0.19, 0.37) P = 1.00

Mean Stride length (cm)

80.3 (29.0)

64.0 (29.8)

116.2 (17.0)

26.7 (<0.001)

16.3 (3.6, 28.7) P = 0.007*

−52.1 (69.4, -34.9) P < 0.001*

−35.9 (-51.8, -20.0) P < 0.001*

Step length asymmetry (cm)

2.7 (2.40)

3.6 (3.28)

1.8 (1.32)

3.8 (0.025)

−0.9 (-2.0, 0.3) P = 0.237

1.8 (0.18, 3.4) P = 0.024*

0.93 (-0.5, 2.4) P = 0.387

Step time asymmetry (msec)

0.03 (0.05)

0.07 (0.07)

0.01 (0.01)

10.8 (<0.001)

−0.03 (-0.06, -0.008) P = 0.004*

0.06 (0.027, 0.091) P < 0.001*

0.03 (-0.002, 0.057) P = 0.08

Single support asymmetry (GC%)

2.2 (2.1)

2.6 (2.6)

0.7 (0.7)

6.1 (0.003)

−0.40 (-1.4, 0.6) P = 0.983

1.9 (0.5, 3.2) P = 0.003*

1.5 (0.3, 2.7) P = 0.012*

Stance asymmetry (GC%)

2.2 (2.1)

2.6 (2.7)

0.7 (0.70

6.1 (0.003)

−0.4 (-1.4, 0.6) P = 0.921

1.9 (0.6, 3.3) P = 0.002*

1.5 (0.3, 2.7) P = 0.012*

  1. *P<0.05.