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Table 3 Mean co-activation indices (SD)

From: Effects of handrail hold and light touch on energetics, step parameters, and neuromuscular activity during walking after stroke





GM_TA paretic

42.6 (13.96)

42.5 (12.51)

35.4 (15.84)

GM_TA nonparetic

41.1 (8.98)

40.7 (9.23)

32.1 (7.36)

TA_PL paretic

49.8 (17.19)

49.8 (16.37)

49.6 (16.42)

TA_PL nonparetic

50.1 (8.43)

49.5 (9.26)

46.1 (9.89)

RF_ST paretic

56.5 (7.93)

55.5 (8.79)

57.5 (6.28)

RF_ST nonparetic

57.0 (9.44)

55.7 (8.97)

54.5 (9.91)

  1. GM_TA = m. Gastrocnemius medialis – m. Tibialis anterior; TA_PL = m. Tibialis anterior – m. Peroneus longus; RF_ST = m. Rectus femoris – m. Semitendinosus