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Table 2 Clinical assessment scores of lower-limb functionality at baseline (Pre) and the changes after the gait training (Post) with 3-month follow-up (follow-up). The significant changes between assessment time points, and the significant differences between groups (ANCOVA-adjusted to baseline Pre-assessment) are marked with asterisk

From: Randomized controlled trial of robot-assisted gait training with dorsiflexion assistance on chronic stroke patients wearing ankle-foot-orthosis

Outcome Measures†

Sham Group

Robotic Group

Pre-Adjusted Group Difference

(n = 10)

(n = 9)

FAC (max. 6)


4.5 (0.8)

4.8 (0.8)


 Post – Pre

+ 0.1

+ 0.6 *

+ 0.50 *

 Follow-up – Pre

+ 0.3

+ 0.7 **

+ 0.43

FMA (max. 34)


16.1 (5.2)

17.9 (4.6)


 Post – Pre

+ 1.0

+ 2.4 *

+ 1.9 *

 Follow-up – Pre

+ 1.3

+ 2.4

+ 1.9

MAS (max. 4)


1.7 (0.6)

1.4 (0.5)


 Post – Pre


− 0.2

− 0.22

 Follow-up – Pre

− 0.2 *

− 0.2

− 0.08

BBS (max. 56)


47.6 (5.4)

51.4 (5.1)


 Post – Pre


+ 0.3

+ 0.04

 Follow-up – Pre



− 0.28

Timed 10mWT (m/s)


0.52 (0.37)

0.72 (0.21)


 Post – Pre

+ 0.01

+ 0.07 *

+ 0.05 *

 Follow-up – Pre

+ 0.00

+ 0.10

+ 0.09

SMWT (m)



141.6 (91.2)

207.3 (59.7)


 Post – Pre

+ 5.7

+ 16.9

+ 11.9

 Follow-up – Pre

+ 22.2

+ 41.5

+ 7.0

  1. NOTE: FAC Functional Ambulation Categories, FMA Fugl-Meyer assessment for Lower-Extremity, MAS Modified Ashworth Scale, BBS Berg Balance Scale, 10MWT 10-Meter Walk Test, SMWT Six-Minute Walk Test
  2. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01
  3. †Pre-assessment values presented in mean (SD)