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Table 4 Duration of the types of activities in wheelchair-using youth with SB, separately presented for a school day and a weekend day

From: Physical activity in wheelchair-using youth with spina bifida: an observational study


School day Median (IQR; minimum-maximum)

Weekend day Median (IQR; minimum-maximum)

P d

Wear time VitaMovea

13.2 (1.6)

10.9 (1.9)


Time spent physically activeb

9 (7; 2–24)

4 (6; 0–24)


• Walking

0 (0; 0–13)

0 (0; 0–2)


• Running

0 (0; 0–0)

0 (0; 0–0)


• Non-cyclic moving

0 (0; 0–6)

0 (0; 0–5)


• Wheeling

7 (5; 2–13)

3 (4; 0–16)


• (Hand)biking

0 (3; 0–10)

0 (1; 0–10)


Time spent sedentaryc

90 (7; 53–98)

96 (10; 50–100)


• Sitting

84 (11; 38–96)

85 (15; 23–98)


• Lying

4 (6; 1–23)

6 (12; 0–73)



0 (1; 0–35)

0 (1; 0–28)

  1. Type of activities are presented as % of wear time (median, interquartile range and minimum-maximum)
  2. aWear time is total wear time in hours, presented as mean (standard deviation)
  3. bTime spent physically active = total duration of walking, running, non-cyclic movement, wheeling and (hand)biking, presented as a % of wear time
  4. cTime spent sedentary = total duration of sitting and lying, presented as a % of wear time
  5. dDifferences between a school day and weekend day for wear time was tested with the paired samples t-test. Differences between a school day and weekend day for time spent physically active and time spent sedentary were tested with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test