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Table 4 Reported adverse events for in-home tES

From: Strategies to implement and monitor in-home transcranial electrical stimulation in neurological and psychiatric patient populations: a systematic review


Adverse Events

Andrade 2013

Tingling sensation at the electrode site

Andre 2016

No adverse events occurred

Carvalho 2018

Minor and transient scalp burn, tingling and skin redness

Cha 2016

Tingling, itching, redness, headache, tiredness, confusion, nausea.

Charvet 2017a

Not stated

Charvet 2017b1

Pain > 6/10 (n = 2). Tingling (43%), itching (21%), burning sensation (23%), head pain or pressure (2%), dizziness (< 1%), difficulty concentrating (4%), blurred vision (<1%) and facial muscle twitch (<1%).

Clayton 2018

Minimal and transient tingling and itchiness at the site of electrodes

Dobbs 2018

Tingling (43%), burning (29%), head pain (8%), itching (8%), headache (6%), difficulty concentrating (1%)

Hagenacker 2014

Slight itching or tingling

Hyvarinen 2016

Tinnitus loudness and annoyance (5%), skin burn (2%); irritation (2%), mood changes (2%), tingling sensation (5%), uncomfortable sensation (47%), poor sleep (7%)

Kasschau 2016

Tingling (60%), itching (24%), burning (30%), headache (3%), nausea (3%), head pain (3%), dizziness (<1%), difficulty concentrating (1%), blurred vision (<1%), forgetfulness (<1%).

Loo 2017

No significant adverse events occurred

Martens 2018

Skin redness (37%), sleepiness (11%), seizure (4%)*

Mortenson 2016

Mild itching, tingling, burning sensation, headache and sleepiness

Riggs 2018

No adverse events occurred

Schwippel 2017

No adverse events occurred

Sharma 2018

Tingling (20%), itching (6.5%), burning (8.3%), dizziness (0.4%), headache (2.2%), sleepiness (0.4%, nausea (0.4%)

Treister 2015

No serious adverse events occurred

Van de Winckel 2018

Mild tingling at electrode site at beginning of treatment (83%)

  1. 1, data only reported for study two
  2. *Unlikely related to stimulation as it occurred in the sham group in a participant with history of epilepsy