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Table 5 Medians (Mdn) and Interquartile Range (IQR) for higher and lower MoCAs for each condition (game mode), between-groups comparison (Mann-Whitney U Test), and Friedman’s statistics for higher and lower MoCAs according to each component of the Game Experience Questionnaire’s Core Module and Social Presence Module

From: Impact of game mode in multi-user serious games for upper limb rehabilitation: a within-person randomized trial on engagement and social involvement





Between conditions comparison


Higher MoCAs

Lower MoCAs

Between-groups comp.

Higher MoCAs

Lower MoCAs

Between-groups comp.

Higher MoCAs

Lower MoCAs

Between-groups comp.

Higher MoCAs

Lower MoCAs

Median (IQR)

Median (IQR)

Mann-Whitney U, p Value

Median (IQR)

Median (IQR)

Mann-Whitney U, p Value

Median (IQR)

Median (IQR)

Mann-Whitney U, p Value

Chi-Square, p Value

Chi-Square, p Value

Core Module


2.40 (2.00)

2.40 (1.10)

162.5, 0.454

2.80 (1.10)

2.20 (0.95)

154.5, 0.329

3.00 (1.40)

2.20 (0.75)

118.5, 0.046

0.444, 0.801

1.971, 0.373

Sensory and Imaginative Immersion

2.50 (1.00)

2.09 (1.21)

304.5, 0.117

2.50 (1.17)

2.33 (0.88)

322.0, 0.283

2.67 (1.09)

2.09 (0.88)

286.5, 0.038

2.111, 0.348

0.206, 0.902


3.20 (1.10)

2.40 (1.30)

116.5, 0.040

3.00 (1.20)

2.80 (1.30)

147.5, 0.240

3.20 (1.10)

2.50 (0.85)

100.0, 0.012

3.909, 0.142

0.471, 0.790


0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)

185.0, 0.830

0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)

167.5, 0.250

0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)

187.0, 0.883

0.800, 0.670

0.500, 0.779


0.80 (0.60)

0.70 (1.10)

162.5, 0.451

0.60 (1.00)

0.40 (1.25)

161.0, 0.426

1.00 (0.90)

0.60 (0.85)

154.5, 0.328

2.413, 0.299

3.033, 0.219

Negative Affect

0.00 (0.13)

0.00 (0.06)

186.0, 0.909

0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)

186.5, 0.894

0.00 (0.00)

0.00 (0.00)

175.5, 0.512

4.769, 0.092

2.632, 0.268

Positive Affect

3.40 (1.10)

3.00 (0.65)

136.0, 0.131

3.20 (0.70)

3.00 (0.60)

125.0, 0.068

3.40 (1.00)

3.00 (0.50)

122.0, 0.057

0.488, 0.799

0.375, 0.829

Social Presence Module


2.50 (1.16)

2.17 (1.54)

150.5, 0.277

2.67 (0.50)

2.42 (1.00)

138.5, 0.151

2.83 (0.75)

2.92 (1.12)

167.0, 0.533

2.960, 0.228

5.559, 0.062

Negative Feelings

0.60 (1.20)

0.60 (0.70)

181.0, 0.819

0.40 (1.20)

0.50 (1.05)

188.0, 0.977

0.40 (1.00)

0.80 (1.20)

180.0, 0.796

0.500, 0.779

0.030, 0.985

Behavioral Involvement

1.33 (1.00)

1.09 (0.91)

159.5, 0.404

1.00 (0.58)

0.67 (1.34)

165.5, 0.505

1.83 (0.91)

1.42 (1.08)

127.0, 0.079

13.468, 0.001

5.548, 0.062

  1. Bold values represent that significant differences between conditions were found