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Table 5 Relationships between robotic measures of position sense vision and clinical measures of function and impairment in stroke survivors who were Impaired with occluded vision.

From: Vision does not always help stroke survivors compensate for impaired limb position sense

Clinical Measure


Occluded Vision

Normal Vision

Var (n = 116)

C/E (n = 91)

Shift (n = 52)

Var (n = 116)

C/E (n = 91)

Shift (n = 52)

Var (n = 116)

C/E (n = 91)

Shift (n = 52)


−0.05 *

−0.04 *

−0.11 *

−0.37 ‡

−0.34 †

−0.20 *

−0.36 ‡

−0.18 *

−0.07 *


−0.16 *

−0.32 ‡

−0.19 *

−0.46 §

−0.32 †

−0.07 *

−0.63 §

−0.45 ‡

−0.34 †

PPB more affected

−0.20 *

−0.17 *

−0.08 *

−0.01 *

−0.25 †

−0.05 *

−0.17 *

−0.28 †

−0.03 *

PPB less affected

−0.02 *

−0.02 *

−0.14 *

−0.33 ‡

−0.37 ‡

−0.21 *

−0.30 ‡

−0.14 *

−0.02 *


−0.09 *

−0.29 †

−0.21 *

−0.16 *

−0.18 *

−0.04 *

−0.29 †

−0.33 †

−0.27 *

  1. Spearman correlations between clinical scores (FIM, BIT, PPB, MoCA and improvements/measures of position sense. Symbols indicate significance of one-tailed tests for improvements (positive relationships) and measures (negative relationships): * p < 0.05, † p < 0.01, ‡ p< 0 .001, § p < 10-6