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Fig. 4 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 4

From: Distinct cortical activity patterns in Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor during a bimanual tapping task

Fig. 4

Mean task related power of the three groups. Mean group results of the HC (a), ET (b) and PD (c) group. TRP in the narrow alpha, narrow beta and gamma band during the two tapping tasks with both tapping conditions. Green areas indicate areas with no changes in power between the task and rest; yellow and red indicate an increase in power during the tapping task and blue indicates a decrease in power during the tapping task compared to rest. C2 = cued tapping task at 2 Hz; NC2 = non-cued tapping task at 2 Hz; C4 = cued tapping task at 4 Hz; NC4 = non-cued tapping task at 4 Hz

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