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Table 2 Box and Block Task performance

From: Brain lateralization in children with upper-limb reduction deficiency


Task performance (blocks moved per minute)



Preferred hand

37.40 ± 6.65*

47.50 ± 6.20

Non-preferred hand with device

7.23 ± 3.37

7.63 ± 5.61


6.43 (preferred)

4.63 (non-preferred)



1 (preferred)

1 (non-preferred)

  1. ULD used a prosthesis in the non-preferred hand with a congenital reduction. TD use a prosthetic simulator in the non-preferred hand to match ULD. TD only used the simulator in the non-preferred hand, their preferred hand performed without a simulator
  2. MCID Minimal Clinically Important Difference
  3. *Significant differences (p = 0.020)