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Fig. 4 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 4

From: Learning regularized representations of categorically labelled surface EMG enables simultaneous and proportional myoelectric control

Fig. 4

Calibration signals acquired from a representative, right-handed subject. The calibration data is constituted by raw sEMG (\({{\varvec{X}}}^{cal}\)) and trinary (\(-1\), \(0\), or \(1\)) DoF- and sample-wise encodings of concurrent movement instruction stimuli (\({{\varvec{Y}}}^{cal}\)). a Wrist flexion. b Wrist extension. c Flexion of the digits. d Extension of the digits e Wrist flexion and flexion of the digits. f Wrist flexion and extension of the digits. g Wrist extension and flexion of the digits. h Wrist extension and extension of the digits

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