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Table 1 Descriptive analysis of the included studies organized by name of the first author

From: Effect of robotic-assisted gait training on objective biomechanical measures of gait in persons post-stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Author (year)


lntervention group

Comparator group


Details of assessments

n (male/female)

Age (mean ± SD)

Time since stroke (months)

Drop outs (n)

n (male/female)

Age (mean ± SD)

Time since stroke (months)

Drop outs (n)

Gait ability for inclusion

Device for RAGT

Intervention setting

Comparator group setting

Training intensity

Time for assess- ments

Walking condition for assess-ment

Velo-city during analysis

Gait analysis system

Walking device during gait analysis

Bang 2016

9 (5/4)

54 ± 4

12 ± 3


9 (4/5)

54 ± 4

13 ± 3


Gait speed > 0,4 m/s; possible independent gait > 10 m



Treadmill gait training

60 min, 5 d/week, 4 weeks, 20 sessions

Baseline and post training

4,6 m walkway, No info on trials

No info


Not reported

Buesing 2015

25 (17/8)

60 ± 2

85 ± 18


25 (16/9)

62 ± 3

65 ± 10


Gait speed between 0.4–0.8 m/s; ability to walk 10 m with maximum 1 person assist

Stride Manag-ement Assistance, SMA


Over ground or treadmill gait training, functional mobility training

45 min, 3 d/week, 6–8 weeks, max 18 sessions

Baseline, midpoint and post training, and at 3 months follow up

5 feet before and after GAITRite, 3 + 3 trials

Self-selected and fastest velocity


Assistive device allowed

Calabró 2018

20 (12/8)

69 ± 4

10 ± 3


20 (11/9)

67 ± 6

11 ± 3


Functional Ambulatory Categories (FAC) of ≤ 4


o-RAGT and over ground gait training

Over ground gait training

45 min + 60 min/d, 5 d/week, 8 weeks, 40 sessions

Baseline and post training

10 m walkway, 2 trials

Self-selected velocity


Not reported

Geroin 2011

10 (8/2)

10 (6/4)

64 ± 7/64 ± 6

26 ± 6/27 ± 5


10 (9/1)

61 ± 6

27 ± 6


Ability to walk independently for at least 15 m with the use of walking aids (cane and orthoses)

Gait Trainer (GT1)

(1) t-RAGT with BWS and with transcranial direct current stimulation

(2) t-RAGT with BWS and with sham transcranial stimulation

Over ground gait training

50 min/session, 5 d/week, 2 weeks, 10 sessions

Baseline and post training

12 m walkway, 3 trials

Fastest velocity

GAITRite, Bertrec

Orthoses allowed

Hidler 2009

33 (21/12)

60 ± 11

4 ± 2


30 (18/12)

55 ± 9

5 ± 2


Ability to ambulate 5 m without physical assistance and a self-selected walking speed between 0.1 to 0.6 m/s


t-RAGT with BWS

Conventional gait training

45 min (90 min), 3 d/week, 24 sessions

At baseline, midpoint and post training, and at a 3 months follow-up

Over ground walkway, No further info

Self-selected velocity

GAITRite or GaitMat

Not reported

Hornby 2008

24 (15/9)

57 ± 10

50 ± 51


24 (15/9)

57 ± 11

73 ± 87


Required to walk 10 m over ground without physical assistance at speeds 0.8 m/s at their self-selected velocity, assistive device if needed


t-RAGT with BWS

Treadmill gait training with BWS

30 min, 12 sessions

At baseline, post training and at 6-months follow-up

10 m, over ground, > 5 trials

Self-selected and fastest velocity

GaitMat II

No physical assistance, orthoses if needed

Husemann 2007

16 (11/5)

60 ± 13

3 ± 2


14 (10/4)

57 ± 11

3 ± 2


The patient had to score 1 or less on the functional ambulation classification, indicating a need for personal assistance in ambulation


t-RAGT with BWS + Conventional gait training

Conventional gait training

2 × 30 min/day, 5 d/week, 4 weeks, 40 sessions

At baseline and post training

10 m walkway, No info on trials

Fastest velocity

In-shoe plantar pressure measurement system, Parotec system

Assistive device allowed

Lee 2019

14 (7/7)

62 ± 8

49 ± 9


12 (7/5)

62 ± 6

50 ± 10


Ability to walk without personal assistance (FAC 3–4)

Gait Enhancing and Motivating System (GEMS)


Treadmill gait training + over ground gait training

45 min/d, 3d/week, 4 weeks, 10 sessions

At baseline and post training

8 m walkway, 5 trials

Self-selected velocity

3D motion capture system with 6 infrared cameras

Not reported

Lewek 2009

10 (4/6)

52 ± 12

45 ± 56


9 (4/5)

53 ± 6

65 ± 68

5 (+ 1)

Ability to walk at least 10 m over ground without physical assistance and at a self-selected gait speed of 0.8 m/s


t-RAGT with BWS

Treadmill gait training with BWS

60 min, 3d/week, 4 weeks, 12 sessions

At baseline and post training

10 m walkway, over ground, > 5 trials

Self-selected velocity

8-camera motion picture system

Orthoses allowed

Ogino 2020

9 (6/3)

66 ± 10

96 ± 60


11 (9/2)

65 ± 8

84 ± 48


Ability to walk without physical assistance using assistive devices and braces as needed

Gait Exer-cise Assist Robot (GEAR)


with BWS + limb range motion exercise

Treadmill gait training

60 min/day, 5 d/week, 4 weeks

At baseline and post training, at a 1 month and 3 months follow up

Walk on treadmill, no further info

Self-selected velocity

KinemaTracer, 3D motion analysis system

Handrail or brace allowed

Srivastava 2016

6 (4/2)

62 ± 12

54 ± 53


6 (5/1)

59 ± 8

15 ± 10


No info

Active Leg Exoskeleton, ALEXII

t-RAGT + FES, no BWS

Treadmill gait training with BWS

40 min, 5 d/every other week, 15 sessions

At baseline and post training

Over ground, No further info

Self-selected velocity

Qualisys 8-camera motion capture system

Not reported

Tanaka 2019

21 (13/8)

65 ± 12

104 ± 28


20 (14/6)

62 ± 9

93 ± 36


Ability o walk independently or with minimal assistance, and ability to complete gait training sessions lasting 10 min or more

Stride Manage-ment Assistance, SMA


Conventional gait training

60–120 min/day, 10 sessions

At baseline and post training

8,4 m walkway, over ground, > 2 trials

Fastest velocity

WalkWay MW-1000

Assistive device allowed

Westlake 2009

8 (6/2)

59 ± 17

44 ± 27


8 (7/1)

55 ± 14

37 ± 20


At least unlimited household ambulators (e.g. > 0.3 m/s)


t-RAGT with BWS

Treadmill gait training with BWS

max 60 min, 3 d/week, 4 weeks, 12 sessions

At baseline and post training

5,3 m walkway, ≥ 3 trials

Self-selected and fastest velocity


Assitive device allowed

  1. SD standard deviation, RAGT robotic-assisted gait training, t-RAGT treadmill-based robotic-assisted gait training, o-RAGT overground robotic-assisted gait training, BWS body weight support, FES functional electric stimulation