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Table 2 FES + VFBT semi-structured interview guide

From: Perspectives of individuals with chronic spinal cord injury following novel balance training involving functional electrical stimulation with visual feedback: a qualitative exploratory study

We would like to hear about your experiences with FES for standing balance

What were you hoping to achieve by taking part in the balance training with FES?

Did you achieve these goals?

Were there any effects that you were not expecting?

Has your participation in the FES balance training impacted your life? How so?

Has your participation in the FES balance training affected your risk of falling? How so?

Has your participation in the FES balance training affected your balance confidence? How so?

Would you recommend balance training/walking training to another individual with an incomplete spinal cord injury? What advice would you give to someone who was about to begin the training program?

  1. At the second interview, participants were instructed to reflect on the period of time following training completion when answering questions 2–4
  2. Responses to questions were reviewed prior to the second interview and participants were asked to add or clarify, as they felt necessary