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Table 2 Model parameters of the 7 classifiers estimated by grid search

From: Classification of Parkinson’s disease with freezing of gait based on 360° turning analysis using 36 kinematic features

ML techniques

PDs vs. Cons (with 36 features)

PDs vs. Cons (with 5 features)

F vs. NF (with 36 features)

F vs. NF (with 6 features)


C = 1.0

C = 10.0

C = 0.1

C = 1000.0


k = 2

k = 4

k = 6

k = 2



n_components = 1

n_components = 1

n_components = 1

n_components = 1


reg_param = 0.5

reg_param = 0.3

reg_param = 0.3

reg_param = 0.001


C = 29.6, gamma = 0.001, kernel = rbf

C = 7.6, gamma = 0.1, kernel = rbf

C = 7.6, gamma = 0.01, kernel = rbf

C = 1e-5, gamma = 10.0, kernel = rbf


max_depth = 10, n_estimators = 500

max_depth = 20, n_estimators = 500

max_depth = 20, n_estimators = 1500

max_depth = 30, n_estimators = 500

  1. ML machine learning, PDs people with PD, Cons controls, F people with PD with FOG, NF people with PD without FOG, LR logistic regression, “C” is the inverse of regularization strength, KNN k-nearest neighbors, “k” is the number of neighbors, NB Naïve Bayes, LDA linear discriminant analysis, “n_components” is the number of components, QDA quadratic discriminant analysis, “reg_param” is the regularization of the per-class covariance, SVM support vector machine, “C” is the regularization parameter and “gamma” is the kernel coefficient, RF random forest, “n_estimators” is the number of trees in the forest and “max_depth” is the maximum depth of the tree