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Fig. 7 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 7

From: Mechanical effects of canes on standing posture: beyond perceptual information

Fig. 7

Relation between estimated arm mass and force applied on the canes in the preferred force condition. Each data point represents the value for one trial (3 trials per participant). Arm mass was estimated as 5% of the total body mass of each participant. The force values were computed as the average force applied on one cane during one trial plus the average force applied on the other cane. This force value was divided by the gravitational acceleration (9.81 m/s2) to be compared with the corresponding arm mass. Filled and empty points are trials in the planar and tripod configurations, respectively. The Pearson correlation coefficient indicates a significant correlation shown by the blue line; the black line is the identity line

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