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Table 4 Acceptance of Technology (Q7–13) Motivation (Q14–15). Likert Scale 1—Completely Disagree to 7—Completely Agree

From: Feasibility and psychophysical effects of immersive virtual reality-based mirror therapy


Session, M (SD)

First session

Last session

Q7. During the exercises, were you concentrated on the task?

5.91 (1.58)

6.00 (1.27)

Q8. During the exercises, did you have the feeling of being in the hospital room?

2.27 (2.41)

3.27 (2.83)

Q9. Did the movements of the virtual hand reflect your movements?

5.91 (1.14)

5.45 (1.37)

Q10. During the exercises, did you feel comfortable with the requested movements?

5.55 (1.29)

5.18 (1.94)

Q11. Did you like the exercises?

5.82 (1.08)

4.64 (1.96)

Q12. Did you have the impression of doing rehabilitation exercises?

4.36 (2.66)

4.64 (2.38)

Q13. Would you like the virtual hand to look more realistic?

3.45 (2.62)

3.64 (2.58)

Q14. Would you like to spend more time doing the exercises at the hospital?

5.82 (1.40)

5.09 (2.26)

Q15. Would you like to continue doing the exercises at home?

5.82 (1.89)

5.36 (2.29)

  1. Likert-like Scale for Q7: 1 = Not concentrated at all, Q8: 1 = Not in a clinic room at all. This questionnaire was completed after the first and last session. Means (SD) are provided for each session