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Fig. 10 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 10

From: Epidural stimulation restores muscle synergies by modulating neural drives in participants with sensorimotor complete spinal cord injuries

Fig. 10

Schematic of hypothetical neural mechanisms. The yellow descending arrows represent local spinal circuitry neural drives, the blue descending arrows represent efferent drives, the multicolored descending arrows between the synergies and motor neuron pool represent the neural network, and ascending red arrows from a muscle represent afferent drives. A Neural circuits of intact participants with efferent drives projecting as a network on muscle synergies (S1, S2, S3). The synergies encode the information of the motor neuronal pool (MN) and activate specific groups of muscles to cause movement. The afferent drives, shown as red arrows, bring information from the task to the supraspinal centers, such as the cerebellum and motor cortex, that reduce any error in movement by modulating the efferent drives. B Disruption in the spinal circuits after injury obstructs the descending/ascending pathways, causing the inactivation of synergies, which leads to paraplegia. C Epidural stimulation modulates the sensory afferent and motor efferent drives within the local spinal circuitry, thereby activating muscle synergies and restoring voluntary movement. Sensory feedback to the supraspinal region is absent in SCI participants

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