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Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation: Celebrating 15 Successful Years

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Journal of NeuroEngineering and RehabilitationJournal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation launched in 2004 under the editorship of Paolo Bonato at a time when there was 'an urgent need for establishing an outlet' at the intersection of neuroscience, biomedical engineering, and physical medicine and rehabilitation’ (Bonato, 2004). The journal has since filled this gap, fostering and becoming a home to pioneering research resulting from the cross-fertilizations among these disciplines.  

In the past 15 years, the journal has been devoted to furthering the understanding of how advances in these fields continue to reshape physical medicine and rehabilitation by discussing, distributing and promoting the latest research.

To mark the occasion, we are looking back at the milestone achievements that have made Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation the field’s leading fully open access journal (‘Rehabilitation’ category in Journal Citation Reports) and highlighting some of our best content selected from the past 15 years. To kick things off, please see this commentary by David Reinkensmeyer, the journal’s Editor in Chief, that reflects on the current state of the neuroengineering and rehabilitation field, how far it has come since the journal launched, and where it could be going in the future. 

Our Milestones

Click here to enlarge the infographic and view the articles.

Our top ranked articles of the past 15 years

Check out blogs by JNER authors and editors

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation supports greater dissemination of your research by enabling authors to blog about their findings via the BMC Blogs Network. Below are a selection of blogs on JNER articles.

Transcranial direct current stimulation and motor rehabilitation: a timely opportunity to boost recovery of brain lesions

Jordi Gandini, Hiroshi Mitoma, Shinji Kakei & Mario Manto

New intelligent systems predict behavior to improve accessibility in persons with disabilities

Arturo Bertomeu-Motos

Using wireless motion sensors to improve movement control of the lower back
Dr. Thomas Matheve

Virtual reality for stroke: is gaming effective for recovery?
Belén Rubio Ballester & Martina Maier

Home treatment of Parkinson’s disease through remotely supervised brain stimulation
Leigh Charvet

Motor deficits in children with perinatal ischemic stroke – using robotic technology and refocusing on the “unaffected” arm
Andrea Kuczynski

Voices from the Community

"It has been fascinating to witness how technology is transforming rehabilitation research and practice in my role as Editor-in-Chief at JNER.  Thank you to all of our reviewers and editors for their diligent work in providing constructive and insightful reviews.  And thank you to the authors whose pioneering engineering innovations and scientific findings JNER is glad to help disseminate."

 –  Dr David Reinkensmeyer
University of Irvine, California, JNER’s Editor-in-Chief


"Serving as founding EiC of JNER has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my career. With the exceptional team of Associate Editors that contributed to launching the journal, we developed the vision of a journal serving the scientific community at the intersection of rehabilitation, neuroscience, and engineering. The past 15 years have shown that the field needed an open access journal with such focus. I believe that this is the reason why JNER has been ranked among the top journals in rehabilitation from the very beginning, and under the outstanding leadership of Dave Reinkensmeyer, has recently moved to the very top of the field."

 –  Dr Paolo Bonato
Harvard Medical School, JNER's Founding Editor-in-Chief


"The application of robotics to deliver therapy and assist in everyday activities is probably the most important development in rehabilitation since, as one wag put it, “… the invention of the pulley”. It represents a genuine opportunity to augment human performance, ameliorate impairment, address limb loss, and promote recovery. To have a “real world” impact, we need strength in numbers; JNER has been promoting and helping to disseminate past achievements for the last 15 years and guiding future ones so that we might one day deliver 'in the present'.”

 Dr Hermano Igo Krebs
Principal Research Scientist & Lecturer, MIT, The 77 Lab


"It is amazing how JNER has evolved within its 15 years to a highly prestigious journal in the field of neuroengineering and rehabilitation. The journal has contributed to the trends of novel technologies, such as robotics, wearables, and virtual reality and their applications to training and assisting people with neuromuscular impairments. By doing so, the journal has made neuroengineering and rehabilitation a relevant field leading to new findings and applications that are highly beneficial for people with acute and chronic impairments, clinicians, industry and the overall community. With the publication of my commentary about the Cybathlon competition, JNER encourages one to think outside the box. In this way, I could show that innovation does not come out of the ivory tower, but that it requires interaction and communication between engineers, users, physicians, therapists and other stakeholders. "

– Professor Robert Riener
Sensory-Motor Systems Lab, Department of Health Sciences and Technology at ETH Zurich, Spinal Cord Injury Center at University Hospital Balgrist, University of Zurich

"JNER offers a unique platform to discuss and promote topics in the rising field of neuroengineering in rehabilitation. The journal is constantly growing and attracts top quality contributions from all over the world. After 15 years, JNER is now a top actor which has found a solid place in the scientific community. With a highly dedicated captain, David Reinkensmeyer, reviewers from the top research and clinical centres and a highly professional team, JNER will inevitably continue its ascension."

  Dr Mario Manto
Belgian National Research Foundation, JNER's Deputy Editor


"My deepest congratulations to JNER for its 15th anniversary. It is a great honour for me to have been part of the journal editorial team for the past five years. JNER is an essential read for both clinical and technical researchers working in the field of physical rehabilitation and it has become, through its success, an essential link between these two communities. I am privileged to participate in JNER's mission, as being an editor has allowed me to appreciate the remarkable scientific progress that is constantly made in all the different disciplines that constitute the fields of neural engineering and rehabilitation. I wish to congratulate all the editors, reviewers and authors for the journal's enduring success."

 – Dr Giacomo Severini
University College Dublin, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation


"JNER is doing exemplary work promoting interdisciplinary perspectives in rehabilitation. On its 15th anniversary, I can safely say that it has become a key forum in rehabilitation engineering, and I'm looking forward to seeing it continue to grow. As an Associate Editor, I enjoy the opportunity to stay informed about the newest developments in our field, and feel privileged to be able to contribute to the journal's mission. Congratulations to the whole team on this achievement!"

 – Dr José Zariffa
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute at University Health Network and University of Toronto, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

"Congratulations to the great editors and staff at Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation as they celebrate the 15th anniversary.  I am a physical therapist and researcher who is very involved with new technology development and I have always relied on JNER to be a high-standard outlet for publishing the best in cutting-edge research related to the new approaches and technologies that are revolutionizing the world of rehabilitation. JNER is not just a journal about engineering research, but also publishes work that gets at the heart of patient care and rehabilitation outcomes. The success that the journal has experienced over the past few years has been due, in my opinion, to the unique focus of how new engineering ideas can help people live better lives after experiencing disability. I wish the best for JNER in the year’s going forward and I will continue to anticipate, with excitement, each new issue as it appears in my inbox every month!"

 Dr David Brown
The University of Texas Medical Branch, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation


"Congratulations to the Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation on its 15th anniversary. It’s been my honor to be affiliated with the journal since its inception. I’ve watched with excitement and pride as it has fulfilled the mission of promoting interdisciplinary and translational research while maintaining rigorous peer-review processes. The journal has served as a catalyst for collaboration between the disciplines of engineering and neuroscience, and has been instrumental in the progression towards cross-disciplinary thinking and communication.  The success of this journal is clearly evidenced by a consistent and continuous increase in submissions, citations, ranking and Impact Factor. I commend our past and present editors (Drs. Paolo Bonato and David Reinkensmeyer) and everyone serving on the editorial boards and reviews for having the courage to decompose silos and promote flexibility in our scientific approach in order to find new solutions to the difficult questions."

 Professor Emily A Keshner
Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Director at Virtual Environment and Postural Orientation Laboratory, Temple University, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

"The Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation is my one-stop shop for relevant research in the interface between technology and clinical rehabilitation. Its reputation attracts high quality research and the journal offers a wonderful mix of innovation and clinical relevance. 
I am grateful to be part of the team and I’m looking forward to assist in finding creative solutions for the further development of the journal, especially in the areas of peer-review and Altmetric attention."

 Dr Rob Labruyère
Deputy Head of Research, Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents, University Children’s Hospital Zurich, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

"Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation is a truly unique interdisciplinary platform, showcasing research from theoretical neuroscience to state-of-the-art engineering developments and their practical applications in clinical research. This has established JNER as the major venue for scientists, engineers and clinicians to advance rehabilitation technologies and their impact on the quality of life of people with disabilities.
Warm congratulations to David Reinkensmeyer and his team for their amazing work in promoting JNER and turning it into one of the most respected and highly ranked scientific journal in this exciting field."

 Dr Olivier Lambercy
ETH Zürich, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation


"I consider myself extremely fortunate to serve as an Associate Editor of JNER—the premier journal at the intersection of engineering, movement science, and rehabilitation. My experiences coordinating the review of the outstanding work submitted by our cross-disciplinary authors has been very rewarding. Cross-disciplinary science, by its nature, requires multi-disciplinary reviewers. I find this to be a very special aspect of the review process at JNER. That is, more often than not, the submitted work is viewed differently by reviewers from the engineering and clinical communities. This typically results in authors having to take a step back to consider how they can make their research accessible to both readerships, and thus a more compelling record of their science."

 Dr Louis Awad
Harvard University, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation


"My cheerful congratulations to Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation for its 15th anniversary. The journal has been persistently supporting the emergence and maturation of a vast repertoire of neurorehabilitation technologies. Today the journal’s repository collects a high-quality selection of the most relevant applications to assist and to overcome cognitive and sensorimotor impairments. JNER’s published research illustrates the fast evolution of the field and serves as a valuable source of inspiration for the technological solutions of the future. I feel honored for contributing to such an important and necessary project." 

 Dr Belén Rubio Ballester
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Associate Editor of Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation


Annual Journal Metrics

  • Citation Impact 2023
    Journal Impact Factor: 5.2
    5-year Journal Impact Factor: 5.6
    Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP): 1.890
    SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.291

    Speed 2023
    Submission to first editorial decision (median days): 12
    Submission to acceptance (median days): 225

    Usage 2023
    Downloads: 1,800,927
    Altmetric mentions: 756