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Table 2 Averaged Movement Dependent Variables for each condition.

From: Quantifying kinematics of purposeful movements to real, imagined, or absent functional objects: Implications for modelling trajectories for robot-assisted ADL tasks**





ANOVA (p-value)

Tukey's Test

TD (mm)

350 +/- .06

400 +/- .04

320 +/- .05


I > P & A


1.02+/- .12

.94 +/- .09

.96 +/- .1



PV (mm/s)

893.5 +/- 14

754.8 +/- 11

781.6 +/- 8.9

< .0001

P > I & A

MS (+/- uts)

3 +/- .25

3 +/- .25

3 +/- .5





TD (mm)

250 +/- .02

230+/- .01

230 +/- .01


P > I & A

MT (sec.)

.78 +/- .1

.82 +/- .11

.77 +/- .08



PV (mm/s)

752 +/- 9

788 +/- 8.8

761 +/- 9.5

< .001

I > P & A

MS (+/- uts)

2 +/- .2

2 +/- .4

2 +/- .25



  1. The average values for Total Displacement (TD), Movement Time (MT), Peak Velocity (PV), and Movement Smoothness (MS) for all three conditions. The value for the repeated measure ANOVA and the ordering results from Tukey's test can be found in the last two columns