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Table 1 Equations employed in the simulation framework operated in DC

From: Simulation of epiretinal prostheses - Evaluation of geometrical factors affecting stimulation thresholds

Domain/Boundary name

Type of condition

Equation (s)

• Physiological fluid

Current conservation

∇ · J = 0

• Retina model


J = σE

• Substrate insulation


E = -∇V

Bounding box

Electric insulation

-n · J = 0

Stimulation electrode

Electric potential

V = V stimulation

Ground electrode


V = 0

Equation to compute electric scalar potential, V in the medium due to an electrode stimulation

∇ · [σ ∇V] = 0

  1. Notations: J - current density on the electrode, E - electric field vector,
  2. V stimulation - amplitude of the voltage stimulus, σ - conductivity of the physiological medium,
  3. n - normal vector.