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Figure 3 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Figure 3

From: Brain network involved in visual processing of movement stimuli used in upper limb robotic training: an fMRI study

Figure 3

Functional activations for the observation of arm movements and dot trajectories. Cerebral regions involved in both the observation of arm movements and dot trajectories (orange) as revealed by conjunction analysis. The t-maps of AM > IB and DT > IB contrasts at the group level were thresholded (p < 0.05 at cluster-level, FWE corrected), binarised and multiplied voxel-wise with each other to identify common areas of activation. Areas activated only when arm movements were presented are shown in red, while areas activated only when dot trajectories were presented are shown in yellow. Activations are superimposed on the MNI single subject T1 template. The coordinates represented in the upper left corner of each section refer to the MNI stereotactic space.

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