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Table 3 Variability between the 12 individual maps associated with the average HD-EMG maps

From: High-density surface EMG maps from upper-arm and forearm muscles





Biceps (mean, [min max])

0.085, [0.07, 0.11]

0.18, [0.16, 0.2]

0.29, [0.23, 0.39]

Triceps (mean, [min max])

0.13, [0.084, 0.23]

0.15, [0.089, 0.2]

0.24, [0.11, 0.36]

Brachio Radialis (mean, [min max])

0.14, [0.063, 0.25]

0.16, [0.13, 0.21]

0.23, [0.17, 0.26]

Anconeus (mean, [min max])

0.13, [0.11, 0.14]

0.18, [0.12, 0.22]

0.2, [0.15, 0.23]

Pronator Teres (mean, [min max])

0.12, [0.063, 0.2]

0.16, [0.11, 0.2]

0.22, [0.15, 0.29]

  1. Variability was measured through the standard deviation divided by the intensity for each pixel of the average map. Mean variability is shown by averaging the variability values over the segmented region for the four tasks. Results are presented as mean for 12 subjects including minimum and maximum values are. This average was carried out for each muscle and each level of effort.