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Table 2 Clinical Data in Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders

From: Assessment of upper limb use in children with typical development and neurodevelopmental disorders by inertial sensors: a systematic review


Study type



Sample Size


Mean Age (yrs)

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

Reference Standard

[23] Floyd A. G. et al. (2007)

Multy-centered study

To analyze the UL motor physiology




25 ± 10

1) = > 12 years of age, 2) confirmed diagnosis of NP-C by abnormal cholesterol esterification and abnormal filipin staining

1) concurrent enrolment in other clinical trials, 2) drugs or diet supplements, interfering with digestive absorption of study medication, 3) significant history of gastrointestinal disorders, HIV or hepatitis, 4) not comply with study procedures


[22] Gordon A. M. et al. (2007)

Single-blinded randomized control study

To examine the efficacy of the HABIT

Summer camp

20 (10 HABIT vs 10 CG)


Total sample = 9.6 ± 6.0, HABIT = 4.5–13.7, CG = 3.9–10.6

1) ability to extend the wrist> 20° and the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal joints> 10° from full flexion, 2) JTHF: > 50% difference between the involved and the non-involved hand, 3) ability to lift the involved arm> 6 in., 4) BBIT = mean score +/− <  1DS

1) health problems unassociated with CP, 2) current/untreated seizures, 3) visual problems interfering with the intervention or testing, 4) MAS > 3.5, 5) orthopaedic surgery on the involved upper extremity, 6) dorsal rhizotomy, 7) botox therapy in the UL in the prior 6 months or within the period of study, 8) intrathecal baclofen.


[29] Strohrmann C. et al. (2013)

Longitudinal study

i) to monitor children activities in daily life, ii) to evaluate the use of body worn sensors for motor assessment in children



CP (2), acquired stroke (2)

10.5 ± 2,12

1) neurological diagnosis leading to stationary stay, 2) age = 5–18 years, 3) cognitive ability to understand the aim of the tasks


Motor Capacity Assessment

[20] Zoccolillo L. et al. (2015)

Cross-sectional experimental quantitative study

i) to monitor physical activity during VGT vs conventional therapy, ii) to quantify if VGT enhances number of movements

Outpatient + inpatient



6,6 ± 1,4

1) UCP, 2) 4–14 yrs., 3) GMFCS: I-IV, 4) any Xbox with Kinect at home.

1) IQ < 35, 2) severe comorbidities, 3) incapacity to stand, even with an external support.


[18] Sokal B. et al. (2015)

Cross sectional, observational design

i) to evaluate the UL activity, ii) to compare the use of the affected arm between children and adult with hemiplegia

Not reported



3.9 ± 1.7


1) serious or recurring medical complications, 2) spasticity medication within the last 3 months, 3) previous paediatric CIMT, 4) fixed contractures in the affected-arm, 5) invalid accelerometer records (insufficient time, only 1 wrist, unrealistic records, malfunction)


[26] Bergamini E. (2014)

Three experimental sessions

i) to identify a biomechanical performance indicators of wheelchair propulsion, ii) develop and assess the efficacy of a specific training program

Basketball court

12 (6 EG vs 6 CG)

Paraplegia (4), myelomeningocele (3), poliomyelitis (2), spastic diplegia (1), below-knee amputation (1), knee arthroprothesis (1)

Total sample = 17.1 ± 2.7, EG = 13–20, CG = 12–20

At least two years of previous wheelchair basketball experience.

Medical contraindications


[32] Kaneko M. et al. (2016)

Observational study

i) to establish a quantitative evaluation system of soft neurological signs





1) patients of the Kurume University Hospital, 2) positive DSM-IV criteria for ADHD diagnosis, 3) WISC-III > 70



[33] Le Moing A.G. et al. (2016)

Observational study

i) to highlight the feasibility of quantifying the range of upper limb movements




18.5+/− 5.5

1) patients of the Institute of Myology, 2) age > 10 years old, 3) non-ambulant, 4) able to sit for at least 3 h in the wheelchair

1) cognitive impairment, 2) occurrence of neurological/inflammatory/infectious/endocrine/acute orthopaedic disease in the precious month, 3) scheduled surgery within 3 weeks of inclusion date, 4) surgery of the upper limbs in the previous three months

MyoSet (MyoPinch, MyoGrip and MyoPlate), BBT, Minnesota Test

[30] O’Neil M.E. et al. (2016)

Observational study

i) to evaluate the inter-instrument reliability and concurrent validity of 3 accelerometer-based motion sensors for measuring PA intensity

Clinical standardized setting


CP: hemiplegia (29), diplegia (26), quadriplegia (3)

12.5 ± 3.3

1) GMFCS = I-III, 2) ambulatory children, 3) 6–20 years old, 4) able to follow instructions and protocol directions, 5) able to wear 3 pairs of accelerometers and 1 portable indirect calorimeter.

1) recent musculoskeletal injuries, limiting their PA levels, 2) orthopaedic surgery within the precious 6 months, 3) botulinum toxin or phenol injections within the previous three months, 4) previous unstable medical conditions limiting PA levels, 5) unstable emotional or behavioural status.


[37] Cocker-Bolt P. et al. (2016)

Prospective pre-test/post-test study

To determine the feasibility and use accelerometers before, during and after a CIMT program

Outpatient + Laboratory



4.9 ± 1.33

1) UCP, 2) able to use the affected UL as a gross assist during play and self-care activities, 3) no significant developmental delays, 4) ambulatory, 5) no additional health impairments

1) significant intellectual disabilities, 2) seizure disorders, 3) botulinum toxin injections in the previous 6 months


  1. ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, AHA Assisting Hand Assessment, BOT-2 Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, CFUS Caregiver Functional Use Survey, CG Control Group, CIMT Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy, DMD Duchenne Muscular Dystrophia, EDSS Extended Disability Status Scale, EG Experimental Group, IQ Intelligence Quotient, JTHF Jebsen–Taylor Test of Hand Function, MA2 Melbourne Unilateral Upper Limb Assessment – 2, MAS Modified Ashworth Score, NP – C Nieman Pick C, PAFT Pediatric Arm Function Test, PMAL-R Pediatric Motor Activity Log – Revised, QUEST Quality of Upper Extremity Skills Test, UL upper limb, VGT Video-Game based Therapy