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Table 2 Inclusion and exclusion criteria defined in the PICOS (Participants, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study design) framework

From: Instrumented assessment of motor function in dyskinetic cerebral palsy: a systematic review



Inclusion/Exclusion criteria


Dyskinetic CP, 2–24 years

-The study sample or an substantial number of subjects (minimal 50%) are represented in the study population or in a sub-study population that is separately analyzed;

-As definition of dyskinetic CP is not always clear also studies describing dystonia due to CP are included


Instrumented measurements to assess movement function and related activities/participation

-Imaging techniques (e.g. MRI) were excluded

-Studies that only use video recording without computerized analyzing techniques but purely to score from the video through observation were excluded.


No control group or comparison is required

-Comparison to a clinical test, a control group or the effect of intervention assessed by the methods will be reported but if there is none, the method is still listed in the review


Outcomes measured in one of the ICF-CY level reported in Table 1 (i.e. muscle or movement function, changing and maintaining body position, carrying, moving and handling objects, (fine) hand and arm use or walking and moving with or without equipment)

-Other categories of ICF-CY (e.g. mental functions, sensory functions and pain, speech, communication or self-care) were excluded

Study design

Original research studies are included, peer reviewed full text and conference abstracts with sufficient information on used methodology and participants

-No restrictions on the type of studies, including technical reports, case studies, case-control studies and intervention studies

-If both an abstract and full text article were published on the same data/methodology only the full text article was selected

-Articles published in languages

other than English were excluded

  1. CP cerebral palsy, MRI magnetic resonance imaging, ICF-CY international classification of functioning for children and youth