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Fig. 5 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 5

From: Augmenting propulsion demands during split-belt walking increases locomotor adaptation of asymmetric step lengths

Fig. 5

Propulsion force Adaptation and After-Effects. a Stride-by-stride time courses of propulsion forces of the non-paretic (top panel) and paretic leg (bottom panel) are shown during self-selected Baseline, Adaptation, and Post-Adaptation. Note that each subject’s baseline bias has been removed, resulting in average propulsion values of zero during Baseline. Each data point represents the average of 5 consecutive strides and shaded regions indicate the standard error for each group. For display purposes only, we include stride values during Post-Adaptation that were computed with a minimum of 10 subjects and the late adaptation behavior is aligned to the end of each subject’s adaptation epoch. b-e We display group average values for propulsion force outcome measures ± standard errors. Individual subjects are represented with colored dots connected with lines. b Baseline: Thick horizontal black lines indicated that there is a significant effect of leg (i.e., paretic or non-paretic) and slope (i.e., flat or incline) on propulsion forces. On average, stroke subjects generate larger propulsion forces with their non-paretic leg, and they generate larger propulsion forces with both legs when walking incline. However, some individual stroke subjects generate larger propulsion forces with their paretic than their non-paretic leg. c Late Adaptation: Stroke subjects were closer to their baseline propulsion forces in the incline than the flat sessions. Moreover, baseline propulsion forces in the incline session were larger than the flat session (Fig. 2c). Taken together, these results suggest that stroke subjects are forced to propel more during incline split-belt walking with both legs compared to flat split-belt walking. d ΔAdapt: Propulsion forces were similarly modulated during the Adaptation epoch for both sloped conditions. e After-Effects: Even though both sloped sessions did not change the extent of propulsion force adaptation (ΔAdapt), slope influenced the After-Effects for the non-paretic leg, but not the paretic leg

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