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Fig. 2 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 2

From: Clinical utility of the over-ground bodyweight-supporting walking system Andago in children and youths with gait impairments

Fig. 2

Study procedures. Schematic drawing showing the study procedures. At appointment 1, patient characteristics and functional measures were assessed. Participants were able to practice walking with Andago and on the treadmill. Finally, some questions were asked. At appointment 2, we evaluated the accuracy of the bodyweight unloading system, allowed practicing, and again asked participants about their acceptability of Andago. At appointment 3, participants performed first the 10 MWT at maximal speed twice. Then, EMG electrodes, accelerometers, and goniometers were mounted, after which the measurements in Andago and on the treadmill were performed at the reference bodyweight unloading level (BWUref). This was followed by walking in Andago with the two other BWU levels. Finally, the 10MWT at maximal speed was repeated twice again. MMT manual muscle testing, SCALE selective control assessment of the lower extremity, 10MWTss 10-m walk test at self-selected speed, 10MWT max 10-m walk test at maximal speed, BWU bodyweight unloading, FMS functional mobility scale, GFAQ Gillette functional assessment questionnaire walking scale

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