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Table 1 Description of gait parameters

From: Data-driven characterization of walking after a spinal cord injury using inertial sensors

Gait parameter (Statistical features)


Stride duration (mean, cov, asym, d2r)

Time between two consecutive heel strikes of the same side

Step duration (mean, cov, asym, d2r)

Time between the heel strike of one side until the following heel strike of the opposite side

Swing phase (mean, cov, asym, d2r)

Relative time of the time between toe off and heel strike of the same side w.r.t. the stride duration

Double support phase (mean, cov, asym, d2r)

Relative time of the time when both feet are on the ground w.r.t. the stride duration

Stride length (mean, cov, d2r)

Distance in-between two heel strikes of the same side

Stride width (mean, cov, asym, d2r)

Maximum lateral displacement during a stride

Stride height (mean, cov, asym, d2r)

Maximum vertical displacement during a stride

Cyclogram top view (ACC, SSD, area)

Top view of the ankle endpoint trajectory

Cyclogram side view (ACC, SSD, area)

Side view of the ankle endpoint trajectory


Modified spectral arc length of the angular velocity of the sagittal plane

Change in speed, stride length, cadence

Slope divided by the intercept of the linear fit of the parameters over the 6 min

Speed inconsistency

Absolute value of the change in speed