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Fig. 2 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 2

From: Spatiotemporal parameters for energy efficient kilohertz-frequency nerve block with low onset response

Fig. 2

Minimum blocking frequency summary results. Method Manual defined the minimum blocking frequency as the frequency that blocked with a sufficiently large block amplitude window prior to the occurrence of re-excitation (by experimenter observation during data acquisition). Methods AutoAUC and AutoMax defined the minimum blocking frequency as the lowest frequency that had a sigmoid fit with R2 greater than 0.5. Method AutoAUC used sigmoid fits based on the area under the curve of stimulus-triggered average force. Method AutoMax used sigmoid fits based on the maximum value of stimulus-triggered average force. Labeled Kruskal-Wallis test p-values were not corrected for multiple comparisons. Each dot in each panel was a separate experiment on a separate nerve, and no nerve underwent testing with multiple cuffs

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