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Fig. 10 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 10

From: Dysfunctional neuro-muscular mechanisms explain gradual gait changes in prodromal spastic paraplegia

Fig. 10

Tibialis anterior activation and muscle spindle length feedback. TA activation and muscle spindle length feedback over the gait cycle in percent for different levels of combined velocity feedback and muscle weakness (\(\omega _{hw}=0\%\), no alteration; \(\omega _{hw}=60\%\) heel strike gait; and \(\omega _{hw}=73\%\) toe-gait). For \(\omega _{hw}=73\%\) the muscle spindle length offset (\(L_0\)) is increased in comparison to other scenarios, which reduces TA activation and reciprocal inhibition of plantarflexor muscles

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