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Fig. 5 | Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation

Fig. 5

From: Can a passive unilateral hip exosuit diminish walking asymmetry? A randomized trial

Fig. 5

The Passive Hip Exosuit Diminishes Mean Step Length Asymmetry During Post-Adaptation. Panel A, B, and C display the average step length SI values and their standard deviation for Exo-only, Exo-Sb, and Sb-only respectively. The solid blue line represents the mean during baseline, the solid red line represents the mean during adaptation, and the solid purple line represents the mean during post-adaptation. The shaded areas in blue, red, and purple are the standard deviation at specific times during baseline, adaptation, and post-adaptation respectively. In contrast to Sb-only, Exo-Sb did not have a significant after-effect in step length asymmetry between EP (start of post-adaptation) and BL (end of baseline)

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