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Table 2 Primary and secondary outcomes

From: Efficacy of interactive manual dexterity training after stroke: a pilot single-blinded randomized controlled trial


Conventional therapy

Dextrain therapy

Median of differences [CL95%]†

P value (Mood median test)

Clinical assessments

BBT score (Primary outcome) (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

4 [2 to 7]

5 [2 to 7]

0.0 [− 3.0 to 2.0]


At follow-up (T2)

4 [1 to 12]

8 [5 to 13]

3.0 [− 1.0 to 7.0]


Fmax% (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

− 0.7 [− 5.5 to 5.7]

4.2 [− 5.7 to 9.2]

1.9 [− 4.6 to 9.4]


At follow-up (T2)

3.1 [− 2.1 to 9.6]

8.8 [− 1.8 to 28]

9.9 [− 7.7 to 20.1]


MPUT time/item (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

0.5 [0.3 to 1.5]

1 [0.4 to 2.9]

0.3 [− 0.4 to 1.7]


At follow-up (T2)

0.7 [0.3 to 1.5]

1.2 [0.3 to 3.1]

0.1 [− 0.6 to 2.0]


Light touch (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

0 [0 to 3]

0 [0 to 5]

0.0 [0.0 to 3.0]


At follow-up (T2)

0 [0 to 5]

5 [0 to 8]

3 [0.0 to 5.0]


Max Tapping speed (mean [CI95%])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

4.5 [2.3 to 6.7]

8.4 [5.2 to 11.6]

3.9 [0.0 to 7.7]


At follow-up (T2)

7.3 [2.5 to 12.1]

10.6 [3.3 to 17.9]

3.3 [− 5.6 to 12.1]


MAL AOU (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

0.3 [0.0 to 0. 7]

0.3 [0.1 to 0.7]

0.1 [− 0.2 to 0.3]


At follow-up (T2)

0.2 [0.1 to 0.6]

0.7 [0.2 to 0.8]

0.5 [0.0 to 0.7]


MAL QOM (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

0.1 [0.0 to 0.5]

0.3 [0.1 to 0.6]

0.1 [− 0.1 to 0.4]


At follow-up (T2)

0.3 [0.0 to 0.6]

0.7 [0.2 to 0.8]

0.2 [− 0.1 to 0.7]


ARAT (median [Q1 to Q3])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

2 [0 to 4]

3 [1 to 5]

0.0 [− 1.0 to 2.0]


At follow-up (T2)

2 [0 to 4]

3 [0 to 7]

0.0 [− 2.0 to 5.0]


Dextrain components

Tracking Error (mean [CI95%])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

− 0.1 [− 0.2 to 0.1]

0.3 [0.2 to 0.4]

0.4 [0.1 to 0.6]


At follow-up (T2)

0.0 [− 0.1 to 0.2]

0.2 [0.0 to 0.4]

0.2 [0.0 to 0.4]


Multi-finger Tapping (independence of finger movements)

Success rate (mean [CI95%])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

0.0 [0.0 to − 0.1]

0.1 [0.0 to 0.2]

0.1 [0.0 to 0.2]


At follow-up (T2)

0.1 [0.0 to 0.2]

0.1 [− 0.1 to 0.3]

0.0 [− 0.2 to 0.3]


Reaction Time (mean [CI95%])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

7.7 [− 9.5 to 24.8]

34.7 [20.2 to 49.2]

29.9 [15 to 44.9]


At follow-up (T2)

2.1 [− 26.8 to 31.1]

30.1 [6.1 to 55.1]

27.5 [4.8 to 50.3]


Rhythm 3 Hz (mean [CI95%])

Change from baseline (T0)

At post-training (T1)

0.1 [− 9.9 to 10]

0.4 [− 3.6 to 4.5]

0.4 [− 10 to 10.8]


At follow-up (T2)

− 0.8 [− 16.4 to 14.8]

− 4.5 [− 13.1 to 4.1]

− 3.8 [− 22.2 to 14.6]

  1. Mood median test (two-tailed) for variables not normally distributed (Shapiro–Wilk’s test P < 0.05) and Student t-test was used for testing group differences of normally distributed variables. MAL [0–5, 5 normal]. †Hodges–Lehmann estimator of median of differences and ‘exact’ 95% confidence limits (CL)
  2. Light touch sensation (Semmes–Weinstein) [0–10] (0 = not identified, 10 = all correctly identified)
  3. Change from baseline for Tracking error and Reaction Time were calculated as T0-T1 and T0-T2 for post-therapy and follow-up changes, respectively
  4. Note: the median of group differences here shown is in skewed data not (necessarily) identical to the difference of the group medians. P-values calculated when confidence limits of median of differences were positive (not below zero). We did not correct for multiple comparisons since this was a pilot RCT study. Significant differences indicated by *(P ≤ 0.05), provided for median differences with CI in positive range. Fmax% = maximal grip force (%); MPUT = Moberg Pick-up Test; MAL AOU = Motor Activity Log Amount Of Use; MAL QOM = Motor Activity Log Quality Of Movement; ARAT = Action Research Arm Test