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Table 2 Description of the C.S.I, Contextual Sensory Integration /Traditional Sample on Pre-treatment Variables

From: Contextual sensory integration training vs. traditional vestibular rehabilitation: a pilot randomized controlled trial





P value


Female = 18 (60.00%)

Male = 12 (40.00%)

Female = 9 (60.00%)

Male = 6 (40.00%)

Female = 9 (60.00%)

Male = 6 (40.00%)

P = 0.61##

Head Thrust

Abnormal = 12 (40.00%)

Normal = 15 (50.00%)

NT = 3 (10.00%)

Abnormal = 6 (40.00%)

Normal = 9 (60.00%)

Abnormal = 6 (40.00%)

Normal = 6 (40.00%)

NT = 3 (20.00%)

P = 0.68##

Head Shaking

Abnormal = 11 (36.67%)

Normal = 17 (56.67%)

NT = 2 (6.67%)

Abnormal = 5 (33.33%)

Normal = 10 (66.67%)

Abnormal = 6 (40.00%)

Normal = 7 (46.67%)

NT = 2 (13.33%)

P = 0.42##

Gaze evoked nystagmus without fixation

Abnormal = 8 (26.67%)

Normal = 21 (70.00%)

NT = 1 (3.33%)

Abnormal = 1 (6.67%)

Normal = 14 (93.33%)

Abnormal = 7 (46.67%)

Normal = 7 (46.67%)

NT = 1 (6.67%)

P = 0.03##

Presence of Migraine

No = 19 (63.33%)

Yes = 11 (36.67%)

No = 11 (73.33%)

Yes = 4 (26.67%)

No = 8 (53.33%)

Yes = 7 (46.67%)

P = 0.45##

Age: in years mean (min, max, SD)

46.97 (21, 78, 17.29)

48.6 (21, 78, 19.44)

45.33 (24, 70, 15.35)

P = 0.61#

Onset in years: mean (min, max, SD)

1.69 (0.08, 12, 2.94)

0.85 (0.08, 2.5, 0.76)

2.53 (0.08, 12, 3.98)

P = 0.39###

Calorics via VNG, Videonystagmography (unilateral weakness = greater than 25%)

Normal = 3 (10.00%)

Weakness = 16


NT = 11 (36.67%)

Normal = 2 (13.33%)

Weakness = 7 (46.67%)

NT = 6 (40.00%)

Normal = 1 (6.67%)

Weakness: 9 (60.00%)

NT = 5 (33.33%)

P = 0.92##


24/30 peripheral hypofunction

2 post-concussion

2 vestibular migraine

2 acoustic neuroma

11 peripheral hypofunction

1 post-concussion

2 vestibular migraine

1 acoustic neuroma

13 peripheral hypofunction

1 post-concussion

0 vestibular migraine

1 acoustic neuroma

  1. #: One way ANOVA, Analysis of Variance; ##: Chi-square for proportions; ###: Kruskal-Wallis
  2. NT: Not Tested