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Table 1 Characteristics of patients who received suspension walking training (n = 33)*

From: Body-weight support gait training in neurological intensive care: safety, feasibility, and delays before walking with or without suspension


Count (%) or median (IQR)

Age (years)

54 [41–66]

Gender (male)

20 (61%)

Cause of neurological injury

 Subarachnoid hemorrhage

11 (32%)

 Ischemic stroke

7 (21%)

 Hemorrhagic stroke

7 (21%)

 Traumatic Brain Injury

4 (12%)


4 (12%)

Initial GCS score

10 [6–13]

Initial SAPS II

50 [38–55]

Initial weight (kg)

77 [69–86]

Invasive ventilation duration (days)

19 [10–28]

Tracheotomy (yes)

4 (12%)

Motor status


4 (12%)


12 (36%)


11 (33%)

 No major impairment

6 (18%)

ICU length of stay (days)

27 [21–35]

Hospital length of stay (days)

39 [33–65]

  1. Only one value was missing for the table (weight of one patient)
  2. IQR interquartile range, GCS Glasgow coma scale, SAPS simplified acute physiology score, ICU intensive care unit
  3. *Values refer to count (percentage) or median [interquartile range]