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Table 1 Characteristics of the serious games used

From: Use of low-cost virtual reality in the treatment of the upper extremity in chronic stroke: a randomized clinical trial

Serious game


Reach game

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In this game, several fruit -shaped objects are shown within the reaching range of the user’s upper extremity represented in different locations. The user has to touch the fruit that is highlighted. Once the fruit is reached, the gravity is activated so it falls to the floor of the virtual scene. To complete the game, the user must reach all cubes showed in random order

Sequence game

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This game uses the same set-up as the Reach Game. Now a sequence of fruits is presented to the user, who must memorize the sequence and repeat it by reaching the fruits in the same order shown, adding a cognitive training to the game

Flip game

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This game trains pronation and supination movements of the forearm. The user must place the palm of the hand over the LMC® device imitating a waiter holding out a tray. A small tray with a cube in the middle appears in the center of the screen. The patient should then turn the palm downwards. Upon doing so, the cube detaches from the tray and falls to the ground

Opening/closing game

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This game encourages the user to achieve the opening and/or closing of the hand, simulating grasping movements, depending on the percentage specifically programmed for each of them. A red circle in the centre of the screen is showed to indicate to the user where to place the fruits into. When a fruit is highlighted, the user must grasp it and move it to the red circle while keeping their hand closed, and keep this gesture until the hand touches the red circle. Then the user has to open the hand